Meghan and Harry share cute facts about Archie

Archie’s Love for Waffles and Cakes

One of Archie’s favorite words is ‘waffle,’ and for Christmas, he received a waffle maker, which has since become a beloved family breakfast activity.

The Sussex household enjoys waffles with berries or jam, with Archie taking part in the preparation. The family has also shared a delightful photo from Archie’s birthday party, showcasing a homemade cake adorned with raspberries.

Reading Together

Among the cherished moments Harry and Meghan have revealed are instances of reading books to Archie and Lilibet, a tradition Meghan calls “the sweetest.”

Archie even enjoys a special book titled The Bench, written by Meghan herself. This book explores the bond between fathers and sons, drawing from personal family moments and offering a relatable story for many families. Through these reading sessions, Meghan instills a love of books in her children, making reading a cherished family activity.