129. Bic (the 1970s)

Bic is still the undisputed king of writing utensils in schools and the workplace; however, we must confess that the price in this ad isn’t as appealing as it was back then.
130. Whitman’s (the 1950s)

Chocolates still use this type of promotion, so it’s strange to observe how little has changed in the course of various candies over 60+ years.
131. McDonald (1980s)

You can give this advertisement the benefit of the doubt all day, but it was the 1980s, so you know McDonald’s understood precisely what they were doing with these marketing pranks. It’s almost as daring as the size of that salad.
132. Pyrex Ovenware (the 1940s)

The message is clear, but there is a read-between-the-lines here: your spouse will know in seconds if you have washed the dishes to his standards.