101. Kraft (1970s)

We’re not sure which aspect of this incredible 1970s ad we like best: the “discovered in mom’s basement” revelation or the sucker punch that symbolizes the country’s collapsing economy at the time.
102. PSA (the 1970s)

That, however, took an unforeseen turn for the worst. This commercial is fairly direct and to the point, and we wish they’d continued with a solution rather than leaving Carol hanging.
103. Tyco (the 1970s)

For over two decades, this landline phone was almost as popular as the comic it was based on. These phones are currently selling for thousands of dollars at auction.
104. Gay Boy Tobacco (1890)

Back in the 1800s, the term “gay” had a different and more specific connotation, primarily defined as “joyful and pleasant.” While this advertising does not age well and could not be done anymore, they simply indicated that you would get the most enjoyment out of this product at the time.