Stunning Celebrity Weight Loss Transformations

Simon Cowell – 20 lbs.

Simon Cowell has never seemed to be overweight, but stringent America’s Got Talent Judge now has a much more chiseled appearance due to his strict no-sugar diet, which also includes red meat. He is, however, allowed to consume as much white meat and artisan beer as he desires.

Adele – 100 lbs.

Adele has always been known for her huge voice and dowdy outfits, but after dropping 100 pounds, we’re seeing a completely different side of her. Gone are the days of baggy tunics and peacoats, and in their place come sharp-cut tailored garments with a dash of attitude.

Kevin Smith – 51 lbs.

Kevin Smith is nearly unrecognizable after a spectacular 51-pound weight loss that has him appearing less like the Fat Man and more like a regular suburban parent. However, we assume that living next door to him is a lot more fun than living next door to any other father on the street.

Janet Jackson – 70 lbs.

We don’t blame Janet Jackson for feeling embarrassed about her weight after that horrific mishap, but it was nearly painful to watch how much she puffed up. She looks more like the Janet we all knew and loved after losing a lot of weight.