20 most cringeworthy snapshots of Donald Trump hanging out with women

Images Overflowing with “Creepiness”


Trump’s history reveals a pattern of assuming Miss Universe contestants crave his attention or affection. This image perfectly encapsulates the moments when two contestants, Stefania Fernandez and Tara Conner, convey a clear message of “please back up” to a man who neither comprehends nor respects their boundaries.

Meeting A Playboy Bunny


As expected, Donald Trump was often seen mingling with Playboy models and attending Playboy events. However, judging by the disdainful glance from this Playboy Bunny at the Betsey Johnson Spring 2001 Fashion Show, it’s clear that some of these women were less than thrilled about his presence and attention!

Appearing Rather Paranoid


Usually, one of Trump’s defining traits is his shamelessness. However, in this photo, there’s a fleeting moment where he seems to hesitate, perhaps wondering if it’s appropriate to engage in public displays of affection with Melania while cameras are clicking away.

Ivanka Sitting on His Lap


This picture is just full of oddities. Firstly, there’s the awkwardness of a teenage Ivanka perched on her father’s lap. But the real kicker? The guy on the far right, whose expression mirrors the collective bewilderment we all feel witnessing this scene!