15 Celebrities With Hygiene Problems

9. Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

Kristen and I have extremely similar views about cleanliness. She doesn’t shower every day, and her hair stinks as well. She also claims to sweat a lot when she’s stressed, and she gets really tense on red carpets, so we can only imagine what that smells like.

10. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leo has developed a strong concern for the environment, and we admire him for it. However, as a result of this, his hygiene is failing. He doesn’t wash every day to save water, and he’s quite into garbage and recycling sorting, but he frequently skips trash days, so his house can get rather stinky. He also believes that deodorant is unnatural; hence he does not use it.

11. Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt hasn’t abandoned cleanliness; he merely uses fast fixes since he doesn’t always have time to shower. He has a lot of kids, and it was a nightmare when they were tiny. He’s told co-stars that having so many kids makes him feel like he’s being peed on all day, but he doesn’t have time to shower, so he uses baby wipes.

12. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Jen’s roommate from years ago, when she was starting, said Jennifer was a strange person to live with. She’d occasionally find her giving herself bikini waxes on the couch.