10 Shocking Realities of Being a Royal Wife

Protocol Always Comes First

In the royal world, following the rules is non-negotiable. Every word and action has to be spot-on. Meghan spilled the beans in their Netflix documentary about being caught off guard by the obligatory curtsy to the late queen. And it’s not just about curtsying—there are strict guidelines for travel too. Basically, forget about doing things on your own terms—it’s all about toeing the line.

Prince William & Megane

Royal Wives Must Dress to Impress

Part of the royal gig is always looking top-notch, and Princess Catherine went through a major style revamp when she joined the family. Royal wives have to find the balance between classy and elegant dressing. While Kate nailed it, not everyone does. Princess Charlene once confessed she was more into “living in a swimsuit” and got some flak for her early fashion picks at a big event.

Turning a Blind Eye to Infidelity is Expected if They’re Cheated On

Infidelity is unfortunately par for the course when you’re a royal wife. Even if everything seems peachy on the surface, royal husbands have a habit of straying, just like Princess Diana and King Charles III. Diana was well aware of Charles’ affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles long before they tied the knot! And Queen Paola of Belgium found herself in a similar boat when King Albert II fathered a child with baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps.

Princess Diana

Divorce is a Big No-No

Walking away from a cheating royal hubby is hardly ever in the cards for a royal wife. Just look at Princess Grace of Monaco—she felt stuck in her marriage to hold onto her kids. Divorce could also rock the monarchy’s boat, so it’s a big-time discouraged move. And when King Charles III and Princess Diana split, Charles’s popularity took a nosedive.

Prince Harry
Prince Harry